Madd’s Fictional Year In Review 2021

As we put the second COVID year to bed, everyone and their mother is doing a “Year In Review” so I figured why not be a literary lemming and follow suit? Submitted for your perusal are some of my blog posts from 2021 that might not have gotten the most views or “Likes” or inspired the most reader interaction, but they’re the stories I most enjoyed penning and sharing. Without further ado, here are


10. Tales From The Set: “Call My Ex, Please?” (a true story)

In which I revisit my days of being a background actor on the set of Grey’s Anatomy, where I encountered a perplexing being known to me as Okra Sex Smell Girl.

9. How I Spent My Summer Vacation

In which young Joanie Hayden recounts the events that occurred during her school break.

8. Challenge Accepted

In which a lesson is learned in the heeding of pick-up warning signs.

7. The Pier

In which a young man discovers that sometimes help doesn’t always come when you ask for it, but when you need it most.

6. Can You Meet My Conditions?

In which a potential suitor learns that some relationships require more effort than others.

5. The Strange Case of Wilhelmina Soames

In which we walk a mile in the shoes of the Mad Mother of Main Street.

4. Braiding Tales: We Built a World, Row by Row (a true story)

In which we find out that sometimes hair, tales, and friendships are woven at the same time.

3. The Widowmaker

In which I relay the story that came to me during my hospital stay after a heart attack.

2. First Saturdays

In which I reveal my not-so-secret addiction.

1. A Kiss Is Just A Kiss

In which the question is asked: What price would you pay, or be paid, to get a fresh start?


In closing, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank each and every person who visited this blog, my little corner of the universe, in the past year, the lurkers, “Likers,” and commenters alike. Your participation helped me through a less than stellar year, so please join me in raising a glass to toast a bright New Year and a fond farewell to the old; here’s to the things that are yet to come, and to the memories that we hold.


26 responses to “Madd’s Fictional Year In Review 2021

  1. This retrospective is a great idea and I’ve already gotten started on these ten tales. Thanks for sharing your world with us, Rhyan. The genuine honesty and humor with which you write is breath-taking at times. I look forward to whatever you’re up to this new year. It’s been a pleasure reading you and getting to know you a bit through your stories and comments. Here’s hoping the new year will be kind to you and all the rest of us. as well. *tips cap, raises root beer in toast* 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • As always, you flatter me, Mike. Cheers for the repeated compliments.

      I hope this coming new year offers hope strong enough to lift your spirits, support your dreams and set you off on a path to a bold new journey, be it in your real life or your writing life! Warmest wishes for a promising and fulfilling New Year, my friend!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy New Year, Rhyan! These were all amazing stories. You are a wonderful storyteller. An authentic wordsmith. I hope this new year is kinder and that you are blessed with good health and feel stronger than ever. Maybe you could travel when things get better. They will eventually. Keep walking and writing and being your witty, sarcastic self. There’s no one else like you. Take care and a big hug and smile from the lurker turned liker and commenter. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Last year, Tom and yourself got the “comment” ball rolling on this overlooked blog of mine so I thank you both for that. You’re a kinder commenter than this snarky curmudgeon deserves and despite my best sarcastic efforts, I haven’t managed to put you off (yet, but there’s still time left).

      Seriously, not to swell your head (does stone swell?) but you made a difficult year less troubling and your email correspondence after my heart attack was touching, so cheers for that and the never-ending wave of compliments, despite some of my more questionable posts.

      As you pursue your hopes and dreams, literary and otherwise, may this year bring you much success, and may your journey be wonderful and continue to inspire your beautiful writing.

      Happy New Year, Queen ‘Veen!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks so much, Rhyan! You are simply the best. And did you know that stony heads with stonier eyes can shed a tear or two when presented with such a touching and warm reply. You’ve already made the new year better. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. (semi-stony)

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Rhyan, I hope this year will be the year you go after progress over perfection and savor every victory you make along the way to your goals! Happy New Year! Looking forward to more of your fabulous stories!

    Liked by 1 person

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