Alone Alone Alone: The Performance

Experience a haunting one-woman performance that delves into the depths of isolation and despair. This unique theatrical adaptation brings to life a poignant short story through the eyes of a sorrowful clown.

Watch as she navigates a storm both literal and metaphorical, grappling with profound loneliness in a mesmerizing blend of monologue and song.

This powerful piece explores themes of abandonment, self-reflection, and the transformative nature of grief. As our protagonist confronts her inner demons, witness the birth of something both terrifying and beautiful.

Perfect for fans of experimental theater, dark poetry, and emotionally charged performances. Prepare to be moved by this unforgettable journey through the landscape of a troubled mind.

Bath Time For Jadie-Mae Redux

I hate baths. Hate 'em more than Brussels sprouts, more than time-outs, maybe even more than whenever stupid ol' Tommy Perkins pulled my pigtails. But Mama says I gotta take 'em, so here I am, starin' at this big ol' tub full of bubbles that I swear would eat me alive if I let it.

The floor's all cold and slippery under my feet. I wiggle my toes and see the dirt come off in little smudges. Mama'd have a cow if she saw that. The bubbles in the tub look like fluffy clouds, or maybe the castles princesses live in. But I know better. It's all a trick to get me in there.

Suddenly, there's a big ol' KNOCKITY-KNOCK at the door. "Jadalyn Maeve Langford!" Uh-oh. Mama's sayin' my full name. That ain't never good. "I don't hear any splashing in there. What's the holdup?"

Quick as a wink, I stick my hand in the tub and splash it around. "I'm in, Mama! Splish-splashin' away!" I yell back, trying to sound all happy-like.

I hear Mama sigh real big. "No monkey business, you hear? Good girls take their baths without fussin'. Now get to it, or there'll be trouble."

I listen real hard as her slippers go shush-shush down the hall. She's muttering something, probably prayin' for patience again. Mama does that a lot with me around.

Now it's just me and the tub again. I take a deep breath, scrunch up my face real tight, and hop in quick as a jackrabbit. The water's warm, I'll give Mama that. She always gets it just right, even if I don't want to admit it.

I sit there, not really washin' but just kinda swishin' the water around, when I start noticin' stuff. The dirty water makes a ring around the tub, and it starts to look like somethin' else. Somethin'... spooky.
The bubbles ain't just bubbles no more. They're turnin' into monsters and weird faces, like the ones in that nightmare book Mama says I'm not s'posed to read before bed. And I hear whispers coming from the drain, like secrets nobody's s'posed to know.

The bathroom starts gettin' all foggy, and I can barely see. But then, two bright lights shine through the mist, and there's this weird sound, like when you blow over the top of a bottle. It's scary, but kinda excitin' too.

Tiny waves splash against the side of the tub, and I can see little boats getting knocked over. That's when it hits me, right between the eyes.

"Oh no!" I whisper-yell. "It's the Devil! He's comin' to get me 'cause I don't wanna take a bath!"

Well, I'm not gonna let some stinky ol' Devil get the best of me. Mama didn't raise no quitter! I grab my washcloth and start scrubbin' like my life depends on it. I pour a whole bunch of shampoo on my head, so much it runs down into my eyes, but I don't care. I'm makin' a special anti-Devil helmet!

Every time I dunk under the water, I know I'm fightin' off all the monsters and Devil-thingees. They don't stand a chance against Jadie-Mae Langford, the new best bath-taker in the whole wide world!

All of a sudden, the door flies open with a big BANG! I jump so high, I almost slip under the water. There's Mama, standin' there with her hands on her hips, looking ready to let me have it.

But before she can say anything, I stand up real proud and announce, "All done, Mama! Clean as a whistle!" I'm grinnin' so big, my cheeks hurt.

Mama's face changes, and she starts to smile too. "Well, I'll be," she says, wrappin' me up in the fluffiest towel ever. "Looks like somebody finally learned that cleanliness is next to godliness."

Steppin' out of the tub, I watch all the soap and bubbles swirl down the drain. And you know what? I bet all those monsters and Devil-thingees are going right down with 'em. 'Cause in this house, Jadie-Mae Langford always comes out on top—even on bath night!

The Metamorphosis of My Husband by [Name Redacted]

I was not what anyone would ever consider to be scholarly, but I knew a thing or two, such as change is a relentless tide, washing away the familiar and revealing the unexpected. I simply never imagined the waves of change would carry my husband so far from the shore of normalcy.

I watched him. Discreetly at first, then openly, brazenly, obsessively. My eyeballs suctioned to his morphing form like a suckerfish on the belly of a whale. How easily he accepted the change, diving into the churning tumult of transformation without a backward glance.

In the beginning, there was stumbling, which took me back to our first dance, with his clumsy steps on my toes, and the laughter that followed. He became graceful over the years but now the elegance of bipedal motion had been exchanged for the fumbling uncertainty of an infant giraffe taking its first steps. Depth perception skewed by that unblinking third eye erupting from his forehead like a fleshy periscope. But adapt he did, with preternatural swiftness. Grace and poise oozed from his pores as that ocular oddity swiveled this way and that, drinking in sights beyond the curtain of the mundane.

“Can you see into other dimensions with that thing?” I asked him one evening.

His chuckle was dry leaves skittering across pavement. “If only you knew the wonders it reveals.”

As he devoured books at a ravenous pace—pulp fiction, classics, appliance manuals, shampoo ingredients—I tossed and turned through fathoms of insomnia, the whisper of relentlessly turning pages a sinister lullaby. In the morning, bleary-eyed, I stumbled upon his latest conquest: an entire dictionary, ingested and excreted before the coffee had finished percolating.

Then came the nose, nostrils flaring, twitching, morphing into cavernous tunnels to funnel in a universe of scent. He practically pressed it against the pages, inhaling knowledge, breathing out bewilderment.

“You’re not developing a cocaine habit, are you dear?” My laugh was thin and brittle. His answering glare sharp as a scalpel.

He burrowed into solitude then, a hermit crab retreating into its shell. I was left on the outside, peering in through tiny drilled holes, furtive keyholes. Brief glimpses of ears elongating to elfin points, gums weeping blood as a second set of teeth sprouted like a garden of enamel, tongue unfurling and splitting in two like a serpent’s.

As I watched his form morph and shift, I couldn’t help but wonder if change was an evolution or an erosion of the soul.

“What’s happening to you?” I whispered through the barrier of the door.

“Glorious things,” came the sibilant reply, barely recognizable. His eyes, now all three of them, glowed with an unearthly light, reflecting a universe of knowledge and wonder that was both terrifying and fascinating. “I am becoming something more, something beyond the limits of human understanding.”

Then silence, dense and impenetrable as a black hole, sucking in sound, light, sanity. We used to spend hours debating philosophy, our voices rising and falling in passionate discourse. Now, his words were few and far between, replaced by cryptic smiles and eerie silences.

I gibbered and clawed but to no avail. Love, loyalty, curiosity—all consumed by the void of his absence. With each new alteration, I felt a piece of our shared life slip away, replaced by an increasing sense of dread. The man I loved was becoming a stranger, and my heart ached with the loss of every familiar trait. Staying meant losing myself in his endless transformations, becoming a mere shadow of my former self. I needed to reclaim my own identity, to find a space where I could breathe and rediscover who I was.

Trembling, I stuffed a rucksack with the remnants of my former life and jumped into the car. As I sped into the night, I refused to meet my own eyes in the rearview mirror, haunted by the memory of his unblinking third eye and fearful of what I might see in my reflection.

The open road ahead promised freedom, but it also served as a stark reminder of everything I had lost. In that moment, I understood that leaving my husband wasn’t an escape but an acknowledgment of the relentless tide of change that had swept us apart. The surge of relief was tainted by grief, a bittersweet recognition that I was drifting away from the man to whom I had vowed my heart and my days.

As the miles stretched out before me, I came to accept that change is the ultimate force of nature, indifferent to our desires, vows, and fears. It reshaped us in ways we could not foresee, pushing us to evolve or be left behind. I realized that if my husband’s transformation was his way of embracing change, then by running away, I risked becoming extinct.

Living Your Science Fiction Life: Embrace the Extraordinary!

Have you ever dreamt of soaring through nebulae, commanding a sleek spaceship, or exploring towering cities of gleaming spires? In our latest video, “Living Your Science Fiction Life,” we unveil a thrilling blueprint to turn those dreams into your new reality.

Chapter Highlights:

Embracing the Extraordinary: Learn to substitute the mundane with the marvelous. Your morning coffee is now a nutrient-packed nebula smoothie, and your car is a streamlined hovercraft. Flexibility is key!

Understanding Your Mission: Whether saving the universe or discovering new galaxies, find your purpose and let it guide your every action.

Mastering Your Powers: Hone your unique abilities, be it time manipulation or mind reading. In an undefined reality, your powers are your lifeline.

Building Your Team: No journey is embarked on alone. Gather a loyal team of androids, rogue space pirates, or beings from other dimensions.

Facing Your Nemesis: Every hero has a villain. Face your adversary head-on and use every challenge as a stepping stone for growth.

Saving the Day: With your mission clear, powers honed, team by your side, and nemesis defeated, embrace your destiny and change the universe.

Living Your Science Fiction Life: Embrace discovery, courage, and resilience. Shape your universe as the chosen one in your epic sci-fi adventure. Are you ready to step into your science fiction life? Hit play and let’s embark on this incredible journey together!

🔔 Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more intergalactic adventures!

Never Kiss The Unknowable

The room?
Dimly lit and adorned with peculiar artifacts and flickering candles.
The air?
Thick with the scent of incense and anticipation.
The volunteer?
Twenty-one if he's a day, his aura a virginal hue.
The facilitator?
In appearance, matching the age of the volunteer. But in the eye, older by leaps and bounds.
They stand toe to toe, face to face, their silhouettes dancing on the walls like ancient shadow puppets.

“Is this your first kiss?” Her voice echoes through the chamber, a siren’s song luring the unsuspecting sailor into uncharted waters. “Be honest.”

“Why?” he stammers, his heart pounding like a tribal drum in the depths of a forbidden jungle.

She leans in closer, her breath hot against his skin, her words dripping with a mixture of seduction and cryptic wisdom. “Because I do it like nobody else,” she whispers, her fingers tracing the contours of his face, mapping out the territory she is about to conquer. “So, if this is your first time, we will need to be blindfolded.”

He hesitates, his mind reeling with a kaleidoscope of thoughts and desires. “Wait, is this some kind of kink thing?”

A smile plays on her lips, a Cheshire grin that holds the secrets of the universe. “No…and yes. You have heard of the third eye before, correct?”

His voice trembles, a leaf in the wind of her presence. “The spiritual gate that leads to the inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness?”

She nods, her eyes glinting with a primal hunger. “What if I told you that I have discovered a fourth eye that can only be opened through the unification of two souls? When I kiss you, your third eye will open and there is nothing you can do to prevent it. Then my kink, as you call it, will come into play and I will open your fourth eye. Reality as you know it will slip from under your feet, and you are likely to experience vertigo and nausea. I cannot run the risk of you vomiting in my mouth.”

He swallows hard, his throat suddenly dry as the desert sands. “What happens when the fourth eye opens?”

She pulls out two silk blindfolds, black as the void, and hands one to him. “You will see colors you never knew existed, hear sounds that defy description, and feel sensations that will rewrite the very fabric of your being. Are you ready to take the leap?”

With trembling hands, he ties the blindfold around his head, plunging himself into a world of darkness. “I’m ready,” he breathes, his voice barely a whisper.

She leans in, her lips brushing against his, and in that moment, the universe implodes. Colors burst behind his eyelids, a supernova of sensation that threatens to consume him whole. He feels himself falling, spiraling down a rabbit hole of ecstasy and madness.

And then, silence. A stillness so profound it seems to stretch into eternity. Slowly, he removes the blindfold, blinking in the dim light of the room. She stands before him, a knowing smile on her face.

“Welcome to my world,” she whispers, her voice a distant echo in the vastness of his newfound consciousness.

She leans in and parts his lips with her tongue. He is being entered, but not from the place he expects. It is painful in a way he cannot describe and he is horrified by the fact that a small part of him enjoys it.

The room begins to shift and warp, the walls melting like Salvador Dali’s clocks, dripping into pools of iridescent madness. He staggers, his mind struggling to comprehend the surreal landscape that unfolds before him.

She breaks the kiss momentarily, her lips curling into a smile that is both inviting and terrifying. “Let me in,” she purrs, her voice a siren’s call amidst the chaos. “Let me take you deeper. Give me consent to unravel the threads of your reality, to weave you a new tapestry of the bizarre and the beautiful.”

She reaches for him, her fingers grazing his skin, and suddenly, he is falling again, tumbling through a kaleidoscope of fractured images and disjointed sensations. Her lips find his once more, and the world explodes in a cacophony of colors and sounds.

Whispers fill his ears, a thousand voices speaking in tongues he cannot understand. He sees visions of impossible cities, where buildings twist and bend like origami, and the streets are paved with the shattered remnants of forgotten dreams.

She kisses him again with that tongue that both terrifies and delights, and he feels his body dissolving, his molecules scattering across the infinite expanse of the cosmos. He is everywhere and nowhere, a consciousness untethered from the bounds of flesh and bone.

In the distance, he sees a shimmering portal, a gateway to a realm beyond comprehension. She takes his hand which is no more than a scatter of atoms, and leads him towards the threshold, her touch electric and alive.

“This is only the beginning,” she whispers, her words echoing through the corridors of his mind. “I will unlock within you a new layer of existence, a new facet of the infinite. Are you ready to embrace the unknown, to let go of everything you thought you knew?”

He nods, his voice lost in the maelstrom of sensation that engulfs him. Together, they move through the portal, into a world where logic is a distant memory, and the only truth is the sublime madness of her kisses.

The universe shifts and resets, a kaleidoscope of possibilities spinning out of control. He is lost in the labyrinth of her love, a willing prisoner in the asylum of her affection. And with each kiss, he falls deeper, the boundaries of his reality crumbling like sandcastles in the tide of her passion.

In this brave new world, where the impossible becomes the everyday, he surrenders himself to the chaos, embracing the beautiful insanity that flows from her lips. For in her kisses, he has found a truth that transcends understanding, a love that defies definition, and a reality that is forever changed, one breath at a time.

As he descends further into the abyss of her kisses, the fabric of his sanity begins to fray, unraveling like a moth-eaten tapestry. The visions that assault his mind become increasingly alien, incomprehensible to his fragile human understanding.

He sees vast, cyclopean structures that defy the laws of geometry, their angles and curves bending in ways that should not be possible. Gargantuan entities, ancient beyond measure, slumber in the void, their dreams seeping into the cracks of reality, tainting it with their eldritch essence.

Her lips, once a source of pleasure and wonder, now become a portal to the unknowable, a gateway to horrors that no mortal mind was ever meant to witness. Each kiss is a revelation, a glimpse into a realm where the rules of logic and reason hold no sway.

He feels his identity beginning to erode, his memories and experiences draining away like sand through an hourglass. The boundaries between himself and the cosmic horror that surrounds him blur, until he can no longer distinguish where he ends and the madness begins.

She pulls him closer, her lips brushing against the new thing that is his ear, her whispers a discordant symphony of eldritch secrets. “Do not fight it. Become one with the infinite,” she breathes, her voice a sibilant hiss that echoes through the chambers of his fracturing mind. “It is madness, yes. Embrace it. It is the only truth in this realm of chaos and despair.”

He tries to scream, but his voice is swallowed by the void, lost in the cacophony of unearthly shrieks and gibbering chants that fill the air. His body twists and contorts, his flesh rippling like the surface of a stagnant pond, as the taint of the unknowable seeps into his very bones.

In the depths of his rapidly deteriorating consciousness, he realizes the true nature of her kisses. They are a corruption, a violation of the natural order, a union that was never meant to be. Her lips are a blasphemy against the very fabric of existence, a profane communion with the unspeakable horrors that lurk beyond the veil of reality.

Yet even as his mind shatters and his humanity slips away, he finds himself craving her kisses, yearning for the twisted ecstasy that only she can provide. He is lost, a plaything of the elder gods, a puppet dancing to the tune of their mad piping.

In what surely must be the end, because how can it go any further, as the last vestiges of his sanity crumble and the abyss claims him as its own, he understands the terrible truth. Her lips, the unknowable, the never-meant-to-be-kissed, are the key to a realm of nightmare from which there is no waking, no escape. And in that final moment of mortal clarity, he embraces the madness, surrendering himself to the void, forever lost in the labyrinthine depths of her eldritch love.

But unbeknownst to him, his descent is far from over…for she will never stop kissing him.

One Perfect Kiss

Who was the luckiest guy on the planet? In this moment it was Ricky Adams.

“Pucker up, buttercup,” Betty-Jo Kopecki purred, her voice dripping with mischief and cherry-flavored lip gloss. “Time to earn a merit badge.”

Ricky was a deer caught in the headlights of her beguiling gaze, and could only nod mutely.

She closed her eyes, slightly tilted her head to the right, and leaned in. Ricky’s universe exploded in a kaleidoscope of sensations when their lips met. Fireworks danced behind his eyelids, while a chorus of angels harmonized in his ears.

The entirety of his world was tilted off its axis the moment Betty-Jo’s tongue slid into his mouth. The camp counselor, a mere three years his senior, yet eons ahead in the art of osculation, unleashed the kind of kiss packed with a tidal wave of body English that sent tremors through his adolescent frame. Her kiss was a masterclass in the surreal, a dizzying ballet of tongue and teeth that left him reeling. His legs, once sturdy pillars, now quivered like reeds in a tempest.

To Betty-Jo, it was a fleeting moment, a dare fulfilled and forgotten. She pulled away, leaving Ricky gasping for air, his heart pounding a staccato rhythm against his ribcage.

“Not bad, kid,” she smirked, her eyes glinting with amusement. “Keep practicing, and maybe one day you’ll be half as good as me.”

With a wink and a sashay, Betty-Jo sauntered off, leaving Ricky adrift in a sea of bewilderment and exhilaration. Little did she know, her kiss had etched itself indelibly into his psyche, a benchmark against which all future lip-locks would be measured.

From that moment on, Ricky’s world was tinted with the rosy hue of Betty-Jo’s kiss. The summer camp became a surreal wonderland, where every activity was infused with the memory of their fleeting tryst. The canoes became vessels of romance, the campfire songs anthems of unrequited love.

Ricky floated through the rest of the summer, his head in the clouds and his lips tingling with the ghost of Betty-Jo’s touch. He was a changed boy, a young Casanova in the making, forever chasing the elusive high of that first, earth-shattering kiss.

As the years passed, Ricky engaged in countless other lip-locking endeavors, but none ever quite matched the intensity and surreality of Betty-Jo Kopecki’s camp counselor kiss. It was a memory that lingered forever, a bittersweet reminder of the summer when love first blossomed in the most unexpected of places.

Decades later, Ricky stumbled upon Betty-Jo on a social media site and reached out, not really expecting a reply because she probably didn’t remember him. To his surprise, she contacted him and told him about her condition.

There was no logic to him requesting time off from work and booking a flight to where she was, but he found himself wandering through the sterile hallways of a hospital with a heart heavy with the weight of years gone by.

He stood at the threshold of her room, his hand trembling as he pushed open the door. There, amidst a tangle of tubes and beeping machines, lay Betty-Jo Kopecki, a mere shell of the vivacious camp counselor who had once set his world ablaze.

“Well, well, well,” she rasped, her voice like sandpaper against velvet. “If it isn’t Ricky, the boy wonder. I’d applaud, but I’m a bit tied up at the moment.”

Ricky approached her bedside, his eyes misty with emotion. “Betty-Jo,” he whispered, “I never thought I’d see you again.”

“Life’s funny that way,” she chuckled, her laughter dissolving into a fit of coughing. “I’ve outlived them all, you know. Friends, family, even the damn dog. But here you are, my little slice of summer camp nostalgia.”

They talked for hours, reminiscing about the golden days of campfires and canoe rides, of stolen glances and secret smiles. As the sun began to set, casting an ethereal glow through the hospital window, Betty-Jo fixed Ricky with a wistful gaze.

“Ricky,” she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, “How are you fixed for granting dying requests?”

Ricky leaned in closer, his heart pounding in his ears. “That would depend on the request.”

“Lay one on me,” she breathed, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. “One last kiss, for old times’ sake.”

Ricky hesitated for a moment, his mind reeling with the gravity of the situation. Then, with a tenderness that belied the years between them, he said, “Pucker up, buttercup. Time to earn a merit badge.” He cupped Betty-Jo’s face in his hands and pressed his lips to hers.

It was a kiss that transcended time and space, a kiss that bridged the gap between the innocence of youth and the wisdom of age. Ricky poured every ounce of his love, his gratitude, and his longing into that kiss, willing Betty-Jo to feel the depth of his devotion.

As their lips parted, Betty-Jo’s face was radiant with joy. “Not bad, kid,” she whispered, echoing the words she had spoken so long ago. “Not bad at all.”

With a final, contented sigh, Betty-Jo closed her eyes, a serene smile playing on her lips. Ricky watched as the light slowly faded from her face, his heart swelling with a bittersweet mixture of grief and gratitude.

Betty-Jo Kopecki had come into his life like a whirlwind, leaving an indelible mark on his soul. And now, as she slipped away into the great unknown, Ricky knew that a part of him would always belong to her, forever entwined in the memory of that one perfect kiss.