Alone Alone Alone: The Performance

Delve into a haunting one-woman performance, a unique theatrical adaptation that brings to life a poignant short story through the eyes of a sorrowful clown. Navigate a storm of loneliness and witness the birth of something terrifying and beautiful.

Bath Time For Jadie-Mae Redux

Jadie-Mae faces bath time rebellion, but succumbs to Momma’s care-laced command. Amid suds and surreal visions, she embraces cleanliness, vanquishing devilry and earning Momma’s approval.

The Metamorphosis of My Husband by [Name Redacted]

A person becomes increasingly obsessed with a man undergoing bizarre physical changes. As the man evolves, the observer’s fear and confusion grow, leading to a decision to escape the situation.

Living Your Science Fiction Life: Embrace the Extraordinary!

The video “Living Your Science Fiction Life” offers a blueprint to transform ordinary life into an extraordinary sci-fi adventure. It covers embracing the extraordinary, finding purpose, honing unique abilities, building a team, facing challenges, and embracing one’s destiny.

Never Kiss The Unknowable

When I kiss you, your third eye will open and there is nothing you can do to prevent it. Then my kink, as you call it, will come into play and I will open your fourth eye.

One Perfect Kiss

Ricky Adams experienced a life-changing kiss from camp counselor Betty-Jo Kopecki. Decades later, he honored her dying request for one last kiss, symbolizing their enduring connection.

The Atomic Dolphin Social Club™: Guardians of Aquatopia

In “The Atomic Dolphin Social Club™”, meet marine-hybrid heroes Coral, Echo, Mariner, and Pearl. Join their fight against human greed and a malevolent undersea entity to save humanity and the ocean. ™ & ©2016 Rhyan Scorpio-Rhys.

Alone Alone Alone

The dark and stormy night reflected the inner turmoil of isolation and despair. Betrayed by faith, family, and even self, the relentless solitude led to a profound, unending sorrow.

Things That Should Not Be, Sometimes Are

The hatred oozed from our pores, a noxious alchemy of repulsion and disdain. Our cells recoiled at the mere proximity, mitochondria shuddering in primal disgust.

Reality Never Did Run Smooth – Brand New Sci-Fi Novel by Yours Truly

In “Reality Never Did Run Smooth,” Jeffrey uncovers the truth behind a simulated utopia and must choose between its solace and the shattered remnants of post-invasion Earth. This emotionally-charged science fiction novel challenges beliefs about existence and the cost of happiness.

Kiss Me Deadly Redux

She kissed me and her breath was like a predatory flower, its sickly-sweet vapors made me so cold the marrow in my bones chattered…

Gatsby The Great: A Sam Turner Murder Mystery

“Gatsby the Great” is a hardboiled retelling of the classic “The Great Gatsby,” set in 1920s New York. With enigmatic characters and moral ambiguity, it offers a dark, glamorous facade hiding deadly secrets. Follow P.I. Sam Turner as he unravels the mystery, leading readers through a captivating world of deception and danger.

I Love You, Now Nine Times The Speed Of Light

This content follows the cosmic journey of Antonina and Cicely, who use their bond and intellect to face the threat of annihilation. They conquer with love, unity, and defiance, becoming beacons for humanity’s cosmic voyage.

The Email Button Ch. 18: The Resonance of Choices

Erin and others attempt to fix the cosmic imbalance in limbo but inadvertently cause chaos. Erin wishes to return, but upon doing so, realizes she has unleashed an apocalypse. Now faced with a choice, the consequences of her actions weigh heavily.

The Email Button Ch. 17: The Plan

Erin leads the group to build a metaphysical compass to escape limbo, encountering ethereal guardians who warn of profound consequences if the cosmic balance is disrupted.

The Email Button Ch. 15: The Convergence

Erin awoke in a surreal realm, surrounded by disparate landscapes and vanished peoples. As she interacted with these lost souls, she realized they were brought here by crucial decisions. Together, they pondered their interconnected fates and sought to tip the cosmic scales.

The Email Button Ch. 14: The Lost Covenant

Erin explores the uneasy Roanoke Colony where settlers face challenges with crops and local tribes. A pact with Croatoan leads to a ritual sacrificing their existence for protection, as Erin watches, bearing witness to their fate.


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